Staying Positive In The Midst Of Hardship

Greetings from the Markham Prayer Breakfast Steering Committee.

Surely the end is in sight! The light at the end of the very very long COVID tunnel is growing brighter day by day.

This year’s Markham Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for Friday November 26th 2021 at our usual location-The Markham Hilton Hotel (Warden and Highway #7)

We are looking forward to the event and plans are coming together with a speaker already engaged and participants in our ministry of music fully prepared. The actual ‘breakfast’ part of the Prayer Breakfast remains a work in progress as we navigate through what we anticipate are the finals stages of the pandemic.

For the summer, the committee will be ‘gone fishing’ however we will stay in touch with our newsletter and web site updates.
We ask and encourage you to continue your individual prayers for our government and business leaders as they continue to work towards a speedy end to the pandemic.
Please visit our web site for specific breakfast details and upcoming news regarding tickets and booking procedures for this year’s event.
Enjoy your summer-fishing or otherwise.

Thank you for joining us


The Markham Prayer Breakfast 2020 was unique in that attendees enjoyed preparing their own breakfast and participating in the comfort of their own homes. There was no need to venture out into the cold.

Don’t worry if you accidentally missed the launch, you can still participate by clicking on this link.
Always remember that prayer for our leaders is very much needed and appreciated perhaps never more so that at this time of COVID.

You can also access the event through our web site and please stay engaged with the Markham Prayer Breakfast team through our regular information newsletters-sign up at

The Countdown is on!

Don’t look lost-we are over here.  **New** time, date, and location for the all-important
Markham Prayer Breakfast.
Prayer is important, Prayer does WORK

This year we will be meeting via our You-Tube Channel with a special ‘prayer-focussed’ event recognising and praying for our political leaders in local government as well as provincial and federal leaders. We also pray for leaders in the business world as they continue to navigate these difficult times. 

The Markham Prayer Breakfast will take place 

8am on Tuesday 17th November,
please join us at this link:

 We ask that you pass on this invitation to all your friends and contacts and encourage them to join this exceptional and important event.  Stronger together in prayer.  See you on the 17th!

Please subscribe to updates and our newsletter at

Something New

Greetings from the Markham Prayer Breakfast

For several months we have been talking about the planned Markham Prayer Breakfast scheduled for November 2020 and the fact that due to COVID 19 we probably would not be able to meet in person as is our custom.

The Prayer Breakfast Steering Committee have now confirmed that this year we will not be meeting at The Hilton as usual-however that does not mean that the need for prayer and support for our government and business leaders has in any way diminished-in fact we believe there is a greater need for prayer that in past years.
The Markham Prayer Breakfast 2020 will therefore take place in the form of a prayer centred event, which will be available to everyone through our You Tube channel. More specific details will be issued in our next publication.

We wish to publicize this to the maximum extent as it is something ‘different’ and so we encourage you to ask friends, family and members of your congregation to sign up for our Newsletters-they can do simply and quickly at 
Please help us to spread the news

We would also like to advise all of our friends and supporters that have already reserved and paid for tickets for this year’s event that they can obtain a FULL refund from our treasurer Mr. Lloyd Mather by contacting him as  If you wish to carry your payment over to the 2021 event, then we will be pleased to do that-either way please let Lloyd know.
Please continue to be vigilant and pray for our leaders at all levels of Government and Business. These are unusual times that we live in. There is no prior experience to fall back on for direction and so the rules continue to evolve day by day. Let us pray that our leaders will be well equipped to be resourceful, creative, and empathetic as they navigate the COVID pandemic and legislate for us.
Remember to check out all of the Markham Prayer Breakfast news at,   also to sign up for our Newsletter at

Perseverance in Prayer

Greetings from the Markham Prayer Breakfast

In our last newsletter we commented that we were getting a little closer to ‘normality’ and it seems that the trend has continued with further restrictions being eased on the lockdown situation.

It is encouraging to see some of our church affiliates beginning to restart their worship programs in person while others continue a more cautious approach. Whether you are open for business in person or still on a virtual platform we encourage you to continue your prayer regime to support our civic leaders at all levels of government. With the recent easing of restrictions it seems that many people may have mistakenly thought that the pandemic was at an end – this is far from the case and so we must all continue to be vigilant and our prayers for strong decisive leadership are very much a necessity.

Looking back 12 months in our newsletter last year at this time we were excited to be talking about plans for our November 2019 breakfast. While we have not yet finalized the format for the 2020 Markham Prayer Breakfast, we still continue to look at options that will create a meaningful prayer environment in conjunction with maximum safety for all concerned. As the plans come to fruition we will certainly let you know and as we have stated before one thing is certain and that is that there will be a Markham Prayer Breakfast 2020 – it’s only the format that is undecided.

We hope that your summer continues well, we have certainly been blessed with glorious weather and we would take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and healthy summer.

Remember to check out all of The Markham Prayer Breakfast news at  We also enjoy hearing from friends at

Is it on or is it off?

That seems to be the number one question for the Markham Prayer Breakfast Steering Committee at the present time. While we are excited and encouraged to see a lifting of the restrictions associated with the COVID 19 pandemic we are also extremely mindful of the need for caution as we move forward.

The Markham Prayer Breakfast scheduled for November is certainly going to happen! However, at this stage we do not know what form that event will take, and we are certainly open to our readers thoughts and feedback on this topic. Please email us with your thoughts and ideas at

The central aim of the Markham Prayer Breakfast committee is to physically come together as a Christian community in Markham to pray for leadership both in government, commerce, and industry. We fully intend to uphold that aim for the 2020 breakfast even if we must compromise on the ‘physical coming together’ aspect.

Praying for our leaders continues to be of paramount importance and we encourage everyone to continue and even enhance their prayer regime during these ongoing difficult times. We shared this prayer with you in our last publication and we do so again now as the words continues to be timely and relevant.

                           1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Never stop praying”
Lord of the nations 

We thank you for the vision of heaven where people from every nation and tribe and people and tongue are present.  For you created the world and all who live in it.  You are our dwelling place in all generations.  You placed us in our families and determined the times set for us.
Lord, we ask for your mercy and grace to be with us today.  There is tension, anger, hurt and pain among different races and cultures.  Our hearts are sad to see all that has unfolded in the past weeks.  We pray against injustice, racism and violence.  We pray against despair, vengeance and hardened hearts.  Give us honesty and humility to see our own sin and selfishness.  Give us strength to offer the grace and peace of Christ to others, especially to those with whom we have differences.  We ask for you to heal and reconcile relationships.
Lord, we humbly ask your blessing be on us as a nation. Be with those who have struggled with the isolation and inability to see caregivers. Protect our front-line workers from the virus and give them the strength to carry on. Protect them from being haunted by the misery they have seen and the stress they have endured. Keep us glorious and free and remind us that You are in control.

We pray this in the name of Jesus, who loved us and gave his life for us.  Amen.

Our website will keep you updated on plans for breakfast this year and also will provide you with an opportunity to hear a message  from our featured speaker this year, Michael Messenger from World Vision.

We welcome your thoughts prayers and feedback.

A Call to Prayer

Greetings from the Markham Prayer Breakfast

We are often asked exactly what it is that the Markham Prayer Breakfast does and what are their aims and objectives.

Simply put The Markham Prayer Breakfast is designed as a mechanism to bring together all of the churches in Markham with the single purpose of praying for our leaders-leaders in government at all levels alongside leaders in commerce and industry.

As we mentioned in a previous edition these are ‘strange and unusual times’ that we find ourselves living in and we are sailing through uncharted waters – although we now have the horizon in sight it may be some time before we arrive at our destination of a return to what we talk about as normality.
It is therefore very relevant that we continue to pray for leadership not only at the once a year physical prayer breakfast but an ongoing day-to-day basis.

We extend our thanks to all of our readers who responded to the call to submit prayer requests and again we extend that call to you. If you have prayer requests or questions concerning the Markham Prayer Breakfast organization then do not hesitate to contact us.

We would like to share this prayer with you in the hope that you will find it helpful in your own prayer life-by all means feel free to share with others.

Lord of the nations
We thank you for the vision of heaven where people from every nation and tribe and people and tongue are present.  For you created the world and all who live in it.  You are our dwelling place in all generations.  You placed us in our families and determined the times set for us.
Lord, we ask for your mercy and grace to be with us today.  There is tension, anger, hurt and pain among different races and cultures.  Our hearts are sad to see all that has unfolded in the past weeks.  We pray against injustice, racism and violence.  We pray against despair, vengeance and hardened hearts.  Give us honesty and humility to see our own sin and selfishness.  Give us strength to offer the grace and peace of Christ to others, especially to those with whom we have differences.  We ask for you to heal and reconcile relationships.
Lord, we humbly ask your blessing be on us as a nation. Be with those who have struggled with the isolation and inability to see caregivers. Protect our front-line workers from the virus and give them the strength to carry on. Protect them from being haunted by the misery they have seen and the stress they have endured. Keep us glorious and free and remind us that You are in control.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, who loved us and gave his life for us.  Amen.

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We would like to let you know that we are still very much ‘On-track’ with our timetable for this year’s breakfast event. Needless to say, much will depend on how we move out of the pandemic scene and again back to what we think of as normal. Please visit our website 

For full information and greetings from our speaker for 2020. You can contact us at

May 1, 2020 Update

Looking Forward

Greetings from the executive of the Markham Prayer Breakfast Committee where we are looking forward to the Markham Prayer Breakfast.  We are cautiously optimistic the breakfast scheduled for Friday, November 27, 2020 may happen.  We are praying for this.

There seems to be a glimmer of light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and things are very gradually getting back to normal – we are hopeful that by November we will be back to some form of normal and are looking forward to being together.

We would like to extend our thanks to many of our newsletter readers who responded with positive comments and thoughts following our most recent edition. We focused on prayer and hope with offered connections to messages that help to sustain us.

As a prayer breakfast committee, we would like to share this prayer with you for your personal use.

Dear Lord

We remember that you are our light and our salvation, the stronghold of our lives.  We bless your name O Lord, with all that is within us.  For you are the one who forgives our iniquity; heals our diseases; redeems our lives; crowns us with steadfast love and mercy; and satisfies us with good as long as we live.  We thank you for the privilege to come before your throne of grace, through your son Jesus.

Lord, the world at this time is in need of healing.  We pray for your grace and mercy to help us in our time of need.  We pray for your healing hand on those who are ill.  Please give them strength and allow them to make full recoveries.

For families mourning the loss of loved ones, we pray for your presence to provide comfort and compassion.  Surround them with your love.

For healthcare workers and those providing essential services, we pray for their health and well-being; for the ability to manage under these circumstances; for their families to be safe.  

For governments, officials and public health departments, who are making difficult decisions, we pray for wisdom, courage, and strength.  We pray that they would serve well in their positions of authority.

For workers and industries who face difficult financial situations; for families who must find new ways to function; for churches and agencies for whom “social distancing” challenges the very reason they exist, we pray for good—even unexpected, unimaginable good—to result when the crisis has passed.

We give thanks for the many blessings that you plant daily along our path. We give thanks for your provision and care.  We entrust our communities and our lives into your hands.  

We pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen

We hope that you will find this helpful and we would welcome your feedback and prayer requests at this time – please email us at and we will share them through our committee and our website. Pray with us, we are stronger together.

For all our news and up-to-date information please visit us at