Perseverance in Prayer

Greetings from the Markham Prayer Breakfast

In our last newsletter we commented that we were getting a little closer to ‘normality’ and it seems that the trend has continued with further restrictions being eased on the lockdown situation.

It is encouraging to see some of our church affiliates beginning to restart their worship programs in person while others continue a more cautious approach. Whether you are open for business in person or still on a virtual platform we encourage you to continue your prayer regime to support our civic leaders at all levels of government. With the recent easing of restrictions it seems that many people may have mistakenly thought that the pandemic was at an end – this is far from the case and so we must all continue to be vigilant and our prayers for strong decisive leadership are very much a necessity.

Looking back 12 months in our newsletter last year at this time we were excited to be talking about plans for our November 2019 breakfast. While we have not yet finalized the format for the 2020 Markham Prayer Breakfast, we still continue to look at options that will create a meaningful prayer environment in conjunction with maximum safety for all concerned. As the plans come to fruition we will certainly let you know and as we have stated before one thing is certain and that is that there will be a Markham Prayer Breakfast 2020 – it’s only the format that is undecided.

We hope that your summer continues well, we have certainly been blessed with glorious weather and we would take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and healthy summer.

Remember to check out all of The Markham Prayer Breakfast news at  We also enjoy hearing from friends at