Staying Positive In The Midst Of Hardship

Greetings from the Markham Prayer Breakfast Steering Committee.

Surely the end is in sight! The light at the end of the very very long COVID tunnel is growing brighter day by day.

This year’s Markham Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for Friday November 26th 2021 at our usual location-The Markham Hilton Hotel (Warden and Highway #7)

We are looking forward to the event and plans are coming together with a speaker already engaged and participants in our ministry of music fully prepared. The actual ‘breakfast’ part of the Prayer Breakfast remains a work in progress as we navigate through what we anticipate are the finals stages of the pandemic.

For the summer, the committee will be ‘gone fishing’ however we will stay in touch with our newsletter and web site updates.
We ask and encourage you to continue your individual prayers for our government and business leaders as they continue to work towards a speedy end to the pandemic.
Please visit our web site for specific breakfast details and upcoming news regarding tickets and booking procedures for this year’s event.
Enjoy your summer-fishing or otherwise.