Greetings from the Markham Prayer Breakfast
We are often asked exactly what it is that the Markham Prayer Breakfast does and what are their aims and objectives.
Simply put The Markham Prayer Breakfast is designed as a mechanism to bring together all of the churches in Markham with the single purpose of praying for our leaders-leaders in government at all levels alongside leaders in commerce and industry.
As we mentioned in a previous edition these are ‘strange and unusual times’ that we find ourselves living in and we are sailing through uncharted waters – although we now have the horizon in sight it may be some time before we arrive at our destination of a return to what we talk about as normality.
It is therefore very relevant that we continue to pray for leadership not only at the once a year physical prayer breakfast but an ongoing day-to-day basis.
We extend our thanks to all of our readers who responded to the call to submit prayer requests and again we extend that call to you. If you have prayer requests or questions concerning the Markham Prayer Breakfast organization then do not hesitate to contact us.
We would like to share this prayer with you in the hope that you will find it helpful in your own prayer life-by all means feel free to share with others.

Lord of the nations
We thank you for the vision of heaven where people from every nation and tribe and people and tongue are present. For you created the world and all who live in it. You are our dwelling place in all generations. You placed us in our families and determined the times set for us.
Lord, we ask for your mercy and grace to be with us today. There is tension, anger, hurt and pain among different races and cultures. Our hearts are sad to see all that has unfolded in the past weeks. We pray against injustice, racism and violence. We pray against despair, vengeance and hardened hearts. Give us honesty and humility to see our own sin and selfishness. Give us strength to offer the grace and peace of Christ to others, especially to those with whom we have differences. We ask for you to heal and reconcile relationships.
Lord, we humbly ask your blessing be on us as a nation. Be with those who have struggled with the isolation and inability to see caregivers. Protect our front-line workers from the virus and give them the strength to carry on. Protect them from being haunted by the misery they have seen and the stress they have endured. Keep us glorious and free and remind us that You are in control.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, who loved us and gave his life for us. Amen.
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We would like to let you know that we are still very much ‘On-track’ with our timetable for this year’s breakfast event. Needless to say, much will depend on how we move out of the pandemic scene and again back to what we think of as normal. Please visit our website www.markhamprayerbeakfast.com
For full information and greetings from our speaker for 2020. You can contact us at markhamprayerbreakfast@gmail.com